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Our Animals

Birth to Butcher

We are the only care takers from birth to butcher. We use an indoor facility to do our calving to insure the health of our calves as we calve January to February. From there, they are moved to grass lots with plenty of protection for the winter. When the grass is ready, they are turned out to pastures in Holt County one of which was homestead by our family.  In the fall, the calves are returned to the home place and grown on a high roughage ration until December when we move them to our feedyard and they are fed a corn ration that is raised on our farm. 
We have an Angus based cow herd that we cross with the very best simmental/angus bulls from the Open Gate Ranch located in Montana.

We also maintain a small fall herd to fill in the gap to keep us with beef year around.

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